Everything Old is New Again: Quaternions in Perl6

Everything Old is New Again: Quaternions in Perl6

By DrForr
Date: Tuesday, 9 June 2015 11:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: images math perl perl6 raytracing

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Dive into perl6 and learn about the creation of a new numeric type that's been around since 1843. We'll talk about constants, customizing operators you already know, and creating some that you don't. We'll explore the history and present-day uses of quaternions, from a lonely wind-swept moor in Ireland to Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

Attended by: Bruce Gray (‎Util‎), Andrew Griffin, Jason Hall (‎Jayce^‎), Garth Hill, John Karr, justin devuyst (‎jdv79‎), Deven Corzine (‎deven‎), Erik Peterson, Karl Williamson, Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎), Kent Schaeffer, Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Thomas Sibley (‎trs‎), James Morgan (‎Ven'Tatsu‎), Fitz Elliott, Paul Seamons, Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎), Belden Lyman (‎belden‎), Jeff Smith, Kyle Siemer (‎silvanus‎), Peter Sandin, Reini Urban (‎rurban‎), Paul Millard, Aran Deltac (‎bluefeet‎), Grigor Karavardanyan (‎G‎), David Hand (‎Ptolemarch‎), Steve Nolte (‎mcsnolte‎), Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), Norman Yamada, Nathan Sullivan, Jeremy Koch, Scott O'Neil, Michael Hamlin (‎myrrhlin‎), Elizabeth Cholet (‎zrusilla‎), Francis Sola (‎Hank‎), Tim Bunce, morgan jones, Rikus Goodell, Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎), Buddy Burden (‎barefootcoder‎), Jay Hannah (‎jhannah‎), Brent Laabs (‎labster‎),