Birds of a Feather
Guitar BOF
* Joe Axford (j0e) I plan to host a Guitar BOF and will bring my 1938 Gibson J35, amp and a few mics. Hoping others will bring guitars and join me.
Scalability BoF
Scaling is hard. Do you have some horror stories you'd like to share? Or do you have some pain points you'd like to get suggestions for how to fix? Are there certain modules on CPAN that were lifesavers? Hopefully there are some success stories people can share and lessons they've learned.
Location: TBD
Time: TBD
WWDC Keynote BOF
Apple's WWDC conference is being held opposite YAPC this year. If they hold to form from previous years, the keynote will be 11-1 on Monday. I'm hoping some folks might want to skip part of the Day 1 Lightning Talks and find a room to watch the WWDC keynote together.
Location: TBD
Time: Monday, 11 am - 1 pm (subject to change)
version 6 saved on 06/05/15 23:22 by Walt Mankowski (waltman)
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