- *nix Fun with Perl
Marty Pauley (maokt)
- English, 50 minutes
Perl's history starts with Unix. In this talk Marty will explain some fundamental Unix concepts in Perl
- 1.21 Gigawatts
Ricardo Signes (rjbs),
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/rjbs/1-dot-21-gigawatts
Some talks carefully guide the listeners through the entirety of a topic, starting with the basics and ending with the fine details.
- A Date with Perl
Dave Rolsky (autarch),
MaxMind, Inc.
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.houseabsolute.com/presentations/a-date-with-perl/
Dates and times are confusing and crazy. What nut invented Daylight Saving Time? Someone who'd never imagined a computer, that's who!
- Advances in Multilingual Stemming on CPAN
Nova Patch (patch),
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/patch/multilingual-stemming-on-cpan
The past year has seen multiple advances in stemming algorithms and tools on CPAN, including new stemmers that previously didn’t exist in Perl for multiple natural languages. Let’s take a whirlwind tour of new stemming development in 2013–2014 and demonstrate how Shutterstock uses them for multilingual information retrieval
- Better database migrations with (and without) Perl
Steve Nolte (mcsnolte),
Assurant Specialty Property (StreetLinks)
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://slides.com/mcsnolte/yet-another-lightning-talk
When managing versioned migrations for a PostgreSQL database with hundreds of tables became too slow and unwieldy for our team to coordinate, we came up with our own tools to do it. Switching to apgdiff drastically dropped the time to create database migrations. [...]
- Blocking Operations, Exceptions, and Logging in Asynchronous Servers
Doug Hoyte (fractal)
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://hoytech.github.io/async-presentation/
This talk is about lessons learned while designing, building, and operating asynchronous servers. Instead of focusing on the concepts of async programming and the benefits it provides in terms of performance and determinism, we'll discuss the problems that inevitably come up.
- Bootstrapping a useful development environment in 20 minutes
Hugh Esco,
YMD Partners LLC dba/ CampaignFoundations.com
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://github.com/hesco/perl_toolchain/blob/master/docs/Bootstrapping_a_Perl_Development_Environment.pdf
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLA9_Hq3zhoFy5jmj6_Fd2YMuOjsovaIh-&feature=player_detailpage&v=QUHFg1IW_UA">Video of talk</a>
- Building Your First App with MongoDB and Perl
Mike Friedman (friedo)
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://friedo.com/talks/first-app
What's this? Databases without SQL? Data models without normalization? Come to this brief introduction to see how you can get up and running with MongoDB in just a few minutes. We'll put together a simple Mojolicious::Lite application that takes advantage of MongoDB's document-oriented data model and gives you just enough information to dive right in and get your hands dirty
- Calendars Hate the Living
Ashley Willis (ashley)
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://www.laurelmail.net/yapc/
You know how email hates the living? iCal hates the living more. recurrence rules are likely turing complete. and the original form of ical is different enough that converting from it to the current model is anything but trivial -- i could find nothing for this task, so i wrote it, which included patches for Data::ICal
- Coffee RIY: Roast It Yourself
Jake Goldsborough (ducks),
Infinity Interactive
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://github.com/rjgoldsborough/yapc-coffee-101
Coffee, Java, Black gold. Whatever you may call it, coffee is a lifeblood for many of us. But yet, many of you settle for low quality, poor tasting, (and probably stale) coffee. Why? This talk will be a beginner's guide to home roasting. It's an easy, fun, and affordable way to get some of the freshest coffee possible. [...]
- Computer science for the self taught hacker
Andrew Grangaard (spazm),
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15585350/presentations/yapc-cs-20140623.pdf
- Content Managements Systems are the most popular Web framework, and we don't have one
Scott Walters (scrottie)
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://gist.github.com/scrottie/0725c73ca85d982ddafa
Currently, most new development on the 'net is done on top of a CMS. Out of the box, you get user accounts, password recovery, a message system, discussion boards, moderation, and more. Plugins give you 90% of whatever common type of site you're trying to create, such as a job board or web shop.
- DBIx::Class - The Perl ORM
Arthur Schmidt (fREW)
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://frioux.github.io/yapcna-2014-dbic/
In this talk I'll discuss how DBIx::Class, the most popular ORM in Perl, can be used to the fullest. In the past I've done whirlwind overviews of DBIC features, shown a bunch of DBIC extensions, and even had whole talks based on cpan modules that have DBIC at their core. This year, I will take it a bit slower. [...]
- DIY Hangover: Show and Tell
Augustina Ragwitz (auggy),
Eulenspiegel Software
- English, 20 minutes
Making your own beer and wine is actually quite easy. We're pretty new at it ourselves but have managed to successfully brew drinkable beverages. We're brewing 1-2 gallon batches of beer in our tiny NYC kitchen and also making fruit and honey wines. You don't need a lot of space or fancy equipment. [...]
- DTrace War Stories
Shawn Moore (sartak),
Best Practical Solutions
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://sartak.org/talks/yapc-na-2014/dtrace-war-stories/
Several stories of how DTrace saved someone's day when *nothing else* could.
- Dancer: Getting to Hello World
R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey),
Broadridge Financial
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://platypiventures.com/perl/present
When attempting to learn Dancer I ran into the problem that all the documentation started from "Here is a 'Hello World' script". But that was assuming many things were set up and configured and that just was not true, at least not on my server.
- Deploying Perl apps with Docker
Mark Allen (mallen),
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/mrallen1/dockerize-all-the-things
Docker is a lightweight virtualization container technology for Linux. With less overhead than a full virtual machine, and more isolation than a debian or rpm package, Docker is becoming an important emerging tool for developers and devops to handle testing and application deployment. [...]
- Designing and Implementing Web Data Services in Perl
Michael McClennen
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://mcclennen.us/yapc2014/
Perl is a language almost perfectly designed for implementing Web data services. But even with this marvelous language and the plethora of useful CPAN modules that we have available, designing and implementing a useful, efficient and well-documented data service is no easy task.
- Detecting/Examining Databases 101
Arthur Schmidt (fREW)
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://frioux.github.io/dbix-introspector-presentation/
DBIx::Introspector will help users detect what database they are connected/connecting to. It should help people create alternate ORMs that actually work with many databases, instead of just Pg, mysql, and SQLite. [...]
- Devel::Confess
Graham Knop (haarg)
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://haarg.org/talk/devel-confess-lightning.pdf
An improved Carp::Always, giving you stack traces for all exceptions and warnings, including exception objects
- Devops Logique
Matt S Trout (mst),
Shadowcat Systems Limited
- English, 50 minutes
?- predictable(reality).
- Donate to Perl
Dan Wright (ehdonhon)
- English, lightning
Pittsburgh Perl Workshop will have a crowdtilt and may happen in late October.
- Embracing the Pain
Jeremy Holland
- English, lightning
Some years ago I developed a standard regex module for company-specific items like lot numbers, equipment identifiers, etc. Retrofitting our existing library of production control scripts to use this module was a ton of work, but in the end was a huge victory. Life is so much better now.
- Emergency debugging using Devel::cst
Leon Timmermans (leont)
- English, lightning
Have you ever had a segfault silent and mysterious in a production system? There is a way to find out more, and I'll show you
- First Time CPAN Contributor
Adam Dutko (StylusEater),
RunByMany, LLC
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://StylusEater@bitbucket.org/StylusEater/talks.git
Ever wanted to contribute a module to CPAN but found it difficult to navigate the in's and out's of the labyrinth? I'm a first time contributor that also found it hard to know what to do and what not to do. I still don't know everything but if you come to this talk you should leave knowing at least a little bit more about how to get your code added to CPAN
- Foreign Function Interface (FFI): Never Need to Write XS Again
Graham Ollis (plicease),
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NY3ROAiSAC5yk1LoeBCM5JfAmSeTdopgYFnJO6mUtXI/edit?usp=sharing
Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is a popular method of implementing extensions that rely on C libraries in languages such as Ruby, Python and Java. FFI has not hit the big time in Perl, but it has some advantages over Perl’s historical extension language XS. Migrating parts of CPAN from XS to FFI may ease the transition to alternative Perl implementations or Perl 6. [...]
- Getting testy with Perl
Steven Lembark (Lembark),
Workhorse Computing
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/lembark/testy-12641024
Perl testing is kind of like swimming in the ocean: it's fun to start with but gets deep pretty quickly. Even if Test::Simple does most of the work, you'll eventually have a reason to dive into deeper waters. So, think of this talk as a glass bottomed boat: it gives you a chance to see things without getting bit or drowning...
- Go GUI or Go Home
Dave M
- English, 20 minutes
Talk brief: Perl is more than just a hodgepodge of modules and sysadmin scripts. Learn just how easy it is to write a graphical user interface for your programs, and attract more than commandline junkies to your programs
- Growing Perl Developers
Nicholas Perez (nperez),
- English, 50 minutes
We hire lots of really smart people that really know software development, architecture, and scaling critical systems. There is one thing that many of them don't know and that is Perl.
- Hi, I'm Timm Murray, and I'm a Troll
Timm Murray
- English, lightning
Every Perl programmer has opinions that probably differ from the rest of the community. Don't be afraid to express that
- How the Camel is de-cocooning
Elizabeth Mattijsen (liz),
WenZPerl BV
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.liz.nl/HowTheCamelIsDe-CocooningYAPCNA.pdf
While Rakudo Perl 6 is coming closer and closer to being production ready, good old Perl 5 has taken a lot of ideas of Perl 6, for better or for worse. I will look into how some things have worked, and some haven’t. And why. And how in the end, everybody is getting more and more used to Perl 6 (like) syntax
- How to run a Perl Workshop or Conference
Heath Bair (Candybar),
Nationwide Insurance
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HSnci2xflsStMcktaWKQ_6f5jm3yhl1coUg9tC-8iuQ/edit?usp=sharing
So you want to learn what it takes to run a Perl workshop or a conference in your home town.
- How-To Setup Virtual Machines for Best Performance
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://blog.jdpfu.com/ALE/ALE-NW/2014_05-vbox.html
What settings are best for running Linux inside a virtual machine?
- I Never Metaphor I Didn't Like: How Cognitive Linguistics Can Help You Be A (More) Bad-ass Developer
Chris Prather (perigrin),
Tamarou LLC
- English, 50 minutes
How we think about a problem determines how we think about that problem's possible solutions. If we get the problem analysis right, the work that follows seems to flow along a natural course. Why is that? Where does that sense of a "natural course" or an "obvious solution" come from? Can we do it on purpose?
- I need a web framework, but which one?
Curtis Jewell (CSJewell),
Bluehost / Endurance International
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://static.curtisjewell.name/which_one.odp
There are a number of good web frameworks available for Perl. This talk will compare them by showing the same website written in different frameworks (Catalyst, Dancer 1 and 2, CGI::Application, CGI::Ex::App, and others), and what the advantages and disadvantages of each framework are, so that you can choose which one you want to use
- I will teach you how to be fluent in Japanese in 5 minutes
Shawn Moore (sartak),
Best Practical Solutions
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://sartak.org/talks/yapc-na-2014/how-to-be-fluent-in-japanese/
Two rules for learning a second language that have guided me to become fluent in Japanese.
- Increasing Performance and Satisfaction Through Scrum
Nathan Gray (kolibrie),
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://github.com/kolibrie/scrum_satisfaction
This past year, my team adopted Scrum. I also happened to read several books about performance and inner drive.
- Internationalization and Localization
Ivy Reyes
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/ivyreyes/i18n-and-l10n-at-10-000-feet/edit
This talk will touch on a few high-level things to consider when working towards Internationalization and Localization of products/websites
- Introduction to Rust
Jesse Luehrs (doy),
Infinity Interactive
- English, 50 minutes
Rust is a new programming language being developed by Mozilla for low level and systems programming tasks. Its goal is to be a replacement for C or C++ in a lot of the environments that they are currently used in (including embedded systems), while providing much stronger memory safety and concurrency guarantees, as well as other modern programming language features.
- Keeping Apache 1.3 Running At All Costs
Daniel Sterling (HighBit),
Quintiles / Q2 Lab Solutions
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://gist.github.com/eqhmcow/5222092/raw/6ab0bdaff00c8d82050f2adf33c48f096f430ac7/preconnect-talk.pdf
Keeping our old Apache 1.3 with mod_perl application running, even when browsers conspire to choke it with requests
- Keynote
Charlie Stross
- English, 50 minutes
- Lightning Talks Day 1
R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey),
Broadridge Financial
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.yapcna.org/yn2014/newtalk
First of three days:
- Lightning Talks Day 2
R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey),
Broadridge Financial
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.yapcna.org/yn2014/newtalk
Another 10 Lightning Talks and the Lightning Announcements between them. See Day 1 for the rest of the description. R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey) - Lightning Talks Day 1
- Lightning Talks Day 3
R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey),
Broadridge Financial
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.yapcna.org/yn2014/newtalk
Another 11 Lightning Talks and the Lightning Announcements between them. See Day 1 for the rest of the description. R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey) - Lightning Talks Day 1
- Mac and Perl
Mark Fowler (Trelane),
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://tinyurl.com/macandperlyapc2014
It's now 2014 and three years since I gave my "Pimp Your Mac With Perl" talk at YAPC::NA in Madison[1]. In this follow up talk, consisting of entirely new material, I'll be talking about new technologies that have come along since then (having seen the prior talk is not required.)
- Make Flying Robots Do Your Bidding With UAV::Pilot
Timm Murray
- English, 50 minutes
Civilian use of autonomous vehicles, airplanes, and helicopters has become increasingly popular in the last few years for everything from aerial photography to beer keg delivery. Learn about how Perl is entering this new field with UAV::Pilot
- Marketing for Perl is easy because Perl is awesome
Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy),
WenZPerl BV
- English, 20 minutes
Remember the saying from Perl-people? "We suck at marketing". Well, not all of us. Some of us are rather good at marketing. Some well-known Perl heroes are good at what they do and good at promoting that, and promoting Perl at the same time. I do my bit and it seems to be appreciated every now and then. [...]
- Math::Prime::Util : Adventures in Math and Crypto
Dana Jacobsen (danaj)
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://sti15.com/talk/2014-06-24/MPU-2014yapcna.pdf
A discussion of the Math::Prime::Util module, including some of its uses for basic number theory, as a Math::Pari replacement and enhancement, and some uses in Perl crypto modules
- Meet your irc.perl.org community opers
John Anderson (genehack),
Infinity Interactive
- English, lightning
irc.perl.org has had some changes recently, including the introduction of "community operators". This lightning talk will introduce them and talk a little bit about how the new governance system will work
Sawyer X (Sawyer X)
- English, 20 minutes
Are you using MetaCPAN? Do you want to hook up to its cool API? Wrong number?!
- My ToDo
Peter Martini
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://github.com/PeterMartini/perl/wiki/YAPCNA-2014
Core changes I'd like to work on, for those intereste
- NLPW Netherlands Perl Workshop 2015
Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy),
WenZPerl BV
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://theovanhoesel.com/Billboards/
Announcement for Netherlands Perl Workshop 2015 in Utrecht. Compared to 2013, this year's NLPW had an increase of almost 100% in attendees. We want to try such an inrease again
- Object Oriented Selenium Test Suites
Phil Wells (kyoob),
Kaplan Test Prep
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://prezi.com/0hbs5hscf-id/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
Phil Wells is a QA engineer at Kaplan Test Prep, and in this talk he will demonstrate how he uses Perl's Selenium bindings and good old-fashioned OOP to verify the complex configuration of KTP's student portal. Attendees will leave with a good idea of what they can do to build a maintainable, resilient functional test framework
- Offensive, and Defensive Techniques for Determining Web User Identity
Zak Zebrowski
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://opensecuritytraining.info/WebIdentity.html
This talk looks at web users from a two different perspectives. First, we look at identifying techniques to determine web user identities from a server perspective. Second, we will look at obfuscating techniques from a user whom seeks to be anonymous. Perl techniques will be highlighted
- On Being a Pretty Pretty Princess Pony
Chris Prather (perigrin),
Tamarou LLC
- English, lightning
I shall discuss the trials and tribulations of raising geek children
- Parsing Made Easyish
Andrew Rodland (hobbs),
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://cleverdomain.org/yapc2014-marpa
An introduction to Marpa, a parsing library for Perl, and some of the cool ways that it can simplify relatively complicated parsing tasks. Includes a little bit of history and covers improvements made since a previous version of this talk in January 2013.
- Performance Profiling with Devel::NYTProf
Tim Bunce,
Data Plan Services
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/Tim.Bunce/nyt-prof-201406key
In this talk I'll be:
- Perl 5.20: Perl 5 at 20
Ricardo Signes (rjbs),
- English, 50 minutes
After 20 years of popularity, Perl has established a reputation for reliability and backward compatibility, but it’s also still a changing, evolving language. This year’s release of Perl 5.20.0 brings some significant and exciting new features, as well as a number of little improvements to keep making easy things easier and harder things possibler.
- Perl 6
Larry Wall (TimToady)
- English, 50 minutes
- Perl On NetBeans
Sudeep Hazra
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xakusuqwopl13rx/Perl%20On%20NetBeans.pptx
“Perl on NetBeans” is intended for Perl programmers who want the intuitiveness of a great editor with the ease of being able to execute the program without having to do it through a command Interpreter. Also, it has the capability to inspect the austerity of your Perl programs, and format the same in accordance to the best practices and conventions. And it does much more :)
- Perl Out Of Order: Why Timeout Today What You Can Return Tomorrow
Augustina Ragwitz (auggy),
Eulenspiegel Software
- English, 50 minutes
So you've built a fancy web application with a fancy database back end, but now that people are using it you've got a few features timing out... and making for angry end users. In a normal procedural program, each task is done when the other finishes. Another option is to hand off the hard work to something else and give your user a status rather than a timeout! [...]
- Perl Writing is a Dungeon Hack
David Farrell (dnmfarrell)
- English, lightning
In just 5 minutes David Farrell (PerlTricks.com) will convince you that writing about Perl is like a dungeon hack, and show you how the dungeon hack metaphor can help you write better articles
- Perl and Hardware
Robert Blackwell (rblackwe),
Zodiac Pool Systems
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://www.yapcna.org/yn2014/wiki?node=Hackathons
An introduction to the hardware hackathon and how the Perl (culture and code) fits into the Internet of Things and beyond
- Perl and Scientific Programming: A panel discussion
Joe Kline (gizmo)
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/gizmomathboy/perl-and-scientific-programming-a-panel-discussion
Perl and Scientific Programming: A panel discussion
- Perl in Plain English
Faelin Landy (wolf)
- English, lightning
An update on my lightning talk from YAPCNA 201
- Perl is Awesome: the death and life of Perl
Mark Keating (mdk),
Shadowcat Systems Limited
- English, 50 minutes
Once again the blakey folk that lurk around comment posts, dubious statistical sites and social media beartraps that litter the internet have called forth the demise of Perl. It was so sudden, yet drawn out. Apparent when you close one eye and look at the figures upside down hanging from a train in a Budapest station.
- PkgConfig as a configure_requires
Graham Ollis (plicease),
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IH4XuNjP7srzCPSmJFY7vVd6pDIJtDTQhNasudA8CqU/edit?usp=sharing
PkgConfig is a pure Perl (5.6.2+) implementation of pkg-config that comes with a Perl API that has some advantages over ExtUtils::PkgConfig
- PleaseConvince.Me
Jay Hannah (jhannah),
Infinity Interactive
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://pleaseconvince.me/PleaseConvince.Me-YAPC-2014.pdf
Politics is ugly. I'll talk about how I'm trying to help.
- Prepare for a (Perl-)job
Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy),
WenZPerl BV
- English, lightning
You want a (Perl-) job at company X and you know that company X has a list of wanted capabilities with their developers? Prepare well, start early and make yourself findable.
- Programming the Atari 2600 "Video Computer System"
Scott Walters (scrottie)
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://gist.github.com/scrottie/ae628db55726670c54e8
This talk drops virtually all abstraction and shows how to program the simple 8 bit processor and custom designed video hardware in the Atari 2600 "VCS". Users familiar with high level languages might find this an interesting introduction to how CPUs actually work.
- RapidApp: turn-key ajaxy web apps
Henry Van Styn (vanstyn),
IntelliTree Solutions
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/vanstyn/rapidapp-yapcna-2014
Overview and live demonstration of the RapidApp web framework (www.rapidapp.info) which provides turn-key web interfaces (Web 2.0/AJAX using ExtJS) that tie automatically into various backend data models.
- Reading the layercake, an introduction to PerlIO
Leon Timmermans (leont)
- English, 20 minutes
PerlIO is a part of perl every perl programmer uses, from newbie to Larry himself. Yet still it's something that's rarely given proper attention.
- Rules of Engagement
Sawyer X (Sawyer X)
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/xSawyer/dothis-and-die
If serial killers would use these coding patterns as reasons for their killing sprees we would set them free of charge. Innocent men and women who could not be expected to remain silent in the face of such bothersome behavior.
- SQL for accountants: understanding the beast via SpreadSheets
ribasushi +1
- English, 50 minutes
In order to enjoy this talk you do not need to know Perl, nor SQL, nor do you need to be an accountant.
- Scientific Programming with NumPy and SciPy
Walt Mankowski (waltman)
- English, 50 minutes
NumPy and SciPy are a collection of packages for scientific computing in Python. Together they extend Python into a powerful open source data processing and prototyping environment many scientific programmers are choosing to use instead of expensive, proprietary commercial systems such as MATLAB.
- Scuba diving my grandpa's WWII ship in Indonesia
Jay Hannah (jhannah),
Infinity Interactive
- English, 20 minutes
My grandfather served in the US Navy during World War II. His ship was sunk by the Japanese. He then spent 3.5 years as a Prisoner of War on the Burma-Thai Death Railway ("The Bridge on The River Kwai").
- Simplifying Perl daemons
Michael Conrad (nerdvana),
IntelliTree Solutions llc
- English, lightning
- Talk: https://github.com/silverdirk/yapc-supervision-talk/
The traditional approach to writing a daemon involves forking twice, closing input/output handles, chdir(), writing a pid file, becoming session leader, using syslog, and a lot of other nonsense.
- SotV
Matt S Trout (mst),
Shadowcat Systems Limited
- English, 50 minutes
Placeholder for SotV, will update usefully late
- State of rt.cpan.org and rt.perl.org
Kevin Falcone (jibsheet)
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://jibsheet.com/talks/yapcna-2014.pdf
Best Practical took over primary support of rt.perl.org and completed a major upgrade last year. We've also worked with the perl.org admins to upgrade and support rt.cpan.org. We'll talk a little about the history of the systems (why does rt.cpan.org exist?) and how they work today. If you taunt me, we'll talk about how the email integrations work. [...]
- Stepford, a Thing Sort of Like Make
Dave Rolsky (autarch),
MaxMind, Inc.
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://www.houseabsolute.com/presentations/stepford/
Stepford is like Make, Cake, Rake, Sake, Jake, Blake, Fake, and Wake. Okay, I made most of those up.
- Streamlining and simplifying your Perl code using Map, Grep, and Sort
Daina Pettit,
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/DainaPettit/map-grep-sort-35552131?qid=0676c91b-e6dd-41d9-b319-b9c22b63ec78&v=default&b=&from_search=1
Map, Grep, and Sort are powerful Perl built-in functions that can simplify your code and improve performance.
- Sub Signatures: Next Steps
Peter Martini
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/PeterMartini/signatures-next-steps
Sub signatures have made it into 5.20 as an experimental feature. While it's still too early to say where signatures are going, there are some very exciting directions we can go, in core or as extensions. [...]
- TPF Year in Review
Dan Wright (ehdonhon)
- English, 15 minutes
Welcome to YAPC, brought to you by The Perl Foundation. We'll take a few minutes to get you caught up to speed on what is happening in TPF
- Templates as a service - with swig.js
Logan Bell (epochbell)
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/epochbell/a-swig-service
- Testing CPAN Against Blead
James E Keenan (kid51)
- English, lightning
- Talk: http://thenceforward.net/perl/yapc/YAPC-NA-2014/test-against-blead.odp
Is there a CPAN module you have written or rely on that you want to make sure works with the next version of Perl 5? Test it against Perl 5 blead. This talk points you in that direction.
- The Joy in What We Do
Sawyer X (Sawyer X)
- English, 50 minutes
Small memories flooding our consciousness like a river of delightful experiences, carrying us through our lives, tugging at our heart, pointing us towards endless appreciation of what many fall prey to forgetting: our love of solving puzzles and our joy of transforming reality and life itself.
- The Perl API for the Mortally Terrified
Mike Friedman (friedo)
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://friedo.com/talks/perl-api
Have you ever wanted to learn the secrets of the dark masters of Perl? Ever been curious about what an *SV is? Maybe you just want to make a subroutine really, really fast, but you're terrified of this thing called XS that stands in your way. This talk presents the Perl API for beginners from the ground up, explaining everything you need to know to get started hacking Perl in C. [...]
- Threading and Perl – avoiding insanity and managing the clones effectively
David Bury
- English, 20 minutes
Threads in Perl adds a new dimension to program development through the asynchronous nature and multiple stories that are unfolding simultaneously. Parallelism can multiply the speeds of certain applications as well as take advantage of the increasing number of cores in modern CPUs. [...]
- Unicode Beyond Just Characters: Localization with the CLDR
Nova Patch (patch),
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/patch/perl-localization-with-the-unicode-cldr
Unicode is much more than just characters. The Unicode Consortium defines open standards for collating, parsing, and formatting data in much of the world’s languages. The Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) is the largest standard repository of locale data along with specifications for its use and is a powerful resource for software localization. [...]
- Welcome
John Anderson (genehack),
Infinity Interactive
- English, 15 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/genehackdotorg/introduction-to-yapcna2014-36345124
- Working with Volunteers
Karen Pauley
- English, 20 minutes
I'm interested in the Open Source phenomena. That is the phenomena that makes intelligent people work for free. It's not surprising that both the business and academic worlds also want to know how this works. Businesses have been taught that in order to get and retain the best people they need to pay a good salary and provide a variety of benefits. [...]
- Writing Web Service Clients with Roles
Mark Allen (mallen),
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/mrallen1/using-roles-to-build-perl-web-service-clients
This talk covers a pattern that I think is powerful, flexible and fun to implement using roles from Moo(se) to develop web service clients. Along with outlining the overall pattern, this talk will present tips and tricks to write good consumable clients that are easy to get other people using
- XS Fun
Sawyer X (Sawyer X)
- English, 50 minutes
Excessive accessibility or just extra ecstatic explosions of extremely extraordinarily expressive flexible intoxicant? Excellent exclamation! Multiplexed oxygen-fuelled perplexed pixies relax in saxophone-shaped taxis because they pay no taxes. Inexcusable!
- Yet Another Keynote Speech
John Anderson (genehack),
Infinity Interactive
- English, 50 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/genehackdotorg/yapc-36346728
Some shaving of noble note
- a talk
Uri Guttman (uri),
Perl Hunter
- English, lightning
I am doing something, and want your inpu
- perlcc made easy or, how to make a CGI Moose app
Todd Rinaldo (toddr),
cPanel Texas
- English, 20 minutes
- Talk: http://www.slideshare.net/toddr/perlcc
Based on recent work on the B::C module, it's now possible to build a working binary which can do away with the majority of startup expense a typical perl program would have.
- student Perl code, head-desk injuries, and you
Kevin Metcalf (profmetcalf),
De Anza College
- English, 50 minutes
Last year's hilarious talk - update with this year's mistakes, too! Beginning students make beginner mistakes, just like the rest of us. Sometimes comical, sometimes painful, bad code can teach us as much as good code - sometimes more. From eq vs == to fork() while fork(), learn what not to do - preferably before you do it.