YAPC::NA 2014 • Orlando, FL

Dancer BOF

I have not a precise agenda in mind, but since Sawyer X and myself (Yanick) will be around, it'd be a shame not to reserver some time for Dancer stuff. I was thinking of perhaps a open questions/discussion type of BOF. Current state of the dance floor, future plans, suggestions and wild ideas for Dancer itself and its surrounding ecosystem of plugins and tools, things like that?

* Math/Science BoF. Interested: Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎), ...

irc.perl.org Governance BOF

The irc.perl.org governance proposal ( https://gist.github.com/sungo/10679594 ) states that the initial community opers must hold an initial face-to-face meeting at YAPC. This meeting will be open to all and will focus on the creation of an initial charter and the policies around selecting additional community opers.

version 5 saved on 28/05/14 18:00 by sungo

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