Plack from First Principles

Plack from First Principles

By Peter Sergeant (‎pete‎)
Date: Monday, 8 June 2015 17:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: modernperl plack psgi

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Keep hearing about Plack and PSGI, and not really sure what they're for, and why they're popular? Maybe you're using Plack at work, and you're still copying-and-pasting `builder` lines in to your code without really knowing what's going on? What's the relationship between Plack, PSGI, and CGI? Plack from first principles works up from how CGI works, the evolution that PSGI represents, and how Plack provides a user-friendly layer on top of that.

Attended by: Kenneth Graves (‎kag‎), Paul Seamons, David Oswald (‎davido‎), Robert Threet (‎RAT‎), Mike Weisenborn, Joelle Maslak, Jason McIntosh (‎jmac‎), vroom, Chas. Owens (‎cowens‎), Rikus Goodell, Tim Howe (‎thowe‎), Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Samuel Smith (‎esaym‎), Armin Resch, Don Silvia, Irina Todeva, Grigor Karavardanyan (‎G‎), Maxwell Cabral, Louis Erickson, David Hand (‎Ptolemarch‎), Travis Chase, Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), matt minkin, Joshua Miller, Prairie Nyx, Jeremy Koch, Scott Gustafson,