Name | Mr. Josh Lavin (digory) |
City | Bend, Oregon |
Country | United States |
Perl mongers group | Bend.pm |
Company | End Point |
Hacking Perl for e-commerce software, Interchange.
Attending talks
- Intro to Object-Oriented Programming in Perl
- Mongering in a Box: Building Perl application containers with Docker.
- First Time CPAN Contributor
- Perl Testing, whats new with Test::More and beyond
- Building Smarter Microservices with Scale-Oriented Architecture
- An Introduction to Unicode
- Lightning Talks Day 1
- Lightning Talks Day 3
- RapidApp by example - database web apps on steroids
- A Series of Unfortunate Requests
- Failure: Why it happens & How to benefit from it
- Perl 6 for Mere Mortals
- Implementing a Rule Language for the Internet of Things
- Test drive your code with Test::More
- Scrum for One
- Juggling Chainsaws: Perl and MongoDB
- Perl 5.22 and You
- Mobile Apps... in Perl?
- What is this "testing" people keep talking about?
- The True Story of Plerd, or: Why I Wrote a Blog System in Twenty Fifteen
- Lifting Moose
- Modern web scraping
- Effective Git: better commits via inspecting history and code archeology
- How to bring newbies to perl?
- Perl's Syntactic Legacy: Using the future to improve the past
- In the desert without a camel
- Streamlining and simplifying your Perl code using Map, Grep, and Sort
- Selenium Testing Your Website With Perl
- Perl to Go
- Leave the system alone!
- How Perl helped us make a million dollars
- Welcome to YAPC!
- Keynote: Seth Johnson - What Perl Taught Me About Life
- Regular Expressions: The Little Engine that Could(n't)?
- Perl's Modules: Discovering and Using the best of the Core Library and CPAN
- Plack from First Principles