Perl to Go

Perl to Go

By Logan Bell (‎epochbell‎) from Southern
Date: Tuesday, 9 June 2015 10:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: go languages

I would like to go over the Go programming language. The talk would go over some of the key features, syntax, semantics, and benefits of Go. By the end of the talk people should have enough knowledge to actually do something productive in the language.

Key things I would like to talk about are

* Basic syntax of the Go language

* How unit tests work

* How to create a basic project

* How write parallel programs in Go.

* And much more.


Just a projector and a sense of humor.

About Speaker

My name is Logan Bell and I am a senior software developer at MediaMath and I'm also a contributor as a PMC for the Apache Lucy project. I hack a lot in Perl and think all should either work remotely or commute via unicycle.

Attended by: Andrew Hewus Fresh (‎AFresh1‎), Eric Johnson (‎kablamo‎), Tony Chambers, Graham Ollis (‎plicease‎), Joseph Hall, Karl Williamson, John Karr, atoomic, Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎), Jordan Adler (‎jmadler‎), Ben Wasley, Mark Gardner (‎mjgardner‎), Kenneth Graves (‎kag‎), Yanick Champoux (‎Yanick‎), Drew Taylor (‎drewbie‎), Thomas Stanton (‎tstanton‎), Joelle Maslak, Mickey Nasriachi (‎Mickey‎), Rish, Chas. Owens (‎cowens‎), Victor Stevko, Cora Davis, Chris Hamilton, Daya Nune, Andrea Nall, Aran Deltac (‎bluefeet‎), Maxwell Cabral, Ben Grimm, Chad Granum (‎Exodist‎), Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), Peter Sandin, Allie Rogers, Sean Quinlan (‎spq_easy‎), Karl Boehnker, John D Jones III (‎jnbek‎), Ryan Olson (‎Gimpson‎), Scott O'Neil, Christopher Stith (‎mr_mischief‎), Prairie Nyx, Stefan Geneshky (‎miniml‎), Francis Sola (‎Hank‎), Brad Lhotsky, Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎), Christopher Eades (‎Chro‎), Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎), Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Jay Hannah (‎jhannah‎),