Logging and Analytics using Perl and fluentd
Logging and Analytics using Perl and fluentd
By Jason Crome (CromeDome) from Chicago.pm
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016 11:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: log4perl logging
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
Logging is one of the most important pieces you’ll have in any large-scale software system, and in a massively multiplayer game it’s even more critical. Using Ovid’s Veure MMO as an example, I’ll discuss what we are logging and why, how we use fluentd to collect information at all levels in the game’s stack, and the tools and processes we use to analyze that data.
Attended by: Todd Rinaldo (toddr), Dave Rolsky (autarch), Greg Brennan, Robert Threet (RAT), James Lenz (Jim), Mike Weisenborn, Ruben Amortegui, Jason Crome (CromeDome), Matt Creenan, Alexander Vipach, Brad Oaks (bradoaks), Jeff Till, Cody Brown (cbrown), Mark Gardner (mjgardner), Brad Lhotsky, Nathan Dyck, Rob, John Anderson (genehack), Scott Duff (perlpilot), Jon Gentle (atrodo), Michael Hamlin (myrrhlin), Russ Brewer (Russ), Ben Rosengart, R Geoffrey Avery (rGeoffrey), David Hand (Ptolemarch),