Name | Mr. Todd Rinaldo (toddr) |
City | Houston |
Country | United States |
Perl mongers group | Houston.pm, WengWeng.pm |
Company | cPanel Texas |
Web page | http://search.cpan.org/~toddr/ |
Perlmonks id | JedClampett |
IM | toddr |
Attending talks
- Battling a legacy schema with DBIx::Class
- Testing with Test::Class::Moose
- Logging and Analytics using Perl and fluentd
- Practical Consistency
- Perl's Worst Best Practices
- Hands-on RapidApp: from bootstrapping to dockerized deployment
- Why a new CPAN client "cpm" is fast
- Stronger Than Fear: Mental Health in the Developer Community
- Ref::Util: accurate functions in XS for checking references
- Modern Perl for the Unfrozen Paleolithic Perl Programmer
- Userspace entropy: You too can dabble in voodoo!
- writing XS in plain C
- Duct Tape and the Camel: What I've Learned from Maintenance
- Secrets of the dead: What modern programmers can learn from COBOL
- Utiaji: Building an Application Specific Web Server in Perl6
- Happy Campers: Lessons Learned from Scouting's Premier Leadership Course
- Sharding a database
- Test2 for test writers
- Unit tests automation for legacy code
- A Million Billion Squiggly Characters
- Finding dead code, the quick and easy way, with Devel::QuickCover
- The best conventions other teams are using that you need to know
- big data on little linux: hard-won lessons managing dozens of servers processing petabytes of data
- The Perl Paradox
- Solving WordBrain - A Depth First Search of a Problem Of Great Breadth
- Perl dependencies: playing with %INC and profiling memory
Other Act conferences:
- The Perl and Raku Conference in Amsterdam 2020 - Cancelled
- The Perl Conference in Glasgow :: Europe :: 2018
- Perl Toolchain Summit 2018
- The Perl Conference in Amsterdam
- Perl Toolchain Summit 2017
- YAPC::Europe 2016
- YAPC::Europe 2015
- YAPC::NA::2015
- Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2014
- YAPC::Europe 2014
- YAPC::NA 2014
- YAPC::Europe 2013
- YAPC::NA 2013
- YAPC::Europe 2012
- YAPC::NA 2011
- YAPC::NA 2010
- Frozen Perl 2010
- YAPC|10
- YAPC::NA 2008
- YAPC::NA 2007