Hands-on RapidApp: from bootstrapping to dockerized deployment
Hands-on RapidApp: from bootstrapping to dockerized deployment
By Henry Van Styn (vanstyn) from Cincinnati.pm
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016 10:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: catalyst crud database dbic dbix::class docker perl plack psgi ui web
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
- Talk: http://rapi.io/yn2016
RapidApp (www.rapi.io) is a web framework and ecosystem for rapidly developing custom applications with rich, interactive user interfaces. Unlike typical CMS style platforms which prescribe a certain structure and workflow, RapidApp is designed to aid in the development of more complex and powerful applications which don't fit that cookie-cutter approach. With RapidApp, you build on top of *your* database, not the framework's.
In this talk I'll demonstrate building a new database-driven application from scratch using RapidApp. We'll start by creating a schema, then bootstrapping and customizing an application. I'll focus on the areas which consistently produce the most questions on IRC, including:
• Lifecycle for writing and modifying database schemas
• Extending the built-in authentication and authorization systems
• Writing custom user permissions
• Hooking custom code in the backend
• Writing custom and virtualized columns
• Creating custom grid classes and other RapidApp modules
Finally, we'll look at the latest and greatest ways to quickly deploy applications using Docker containers, with newly-available RapidApp images now on Docker Hub.
All code and examples will be available on GitHub
Attended by: Robert Threet (RAT), Henry Van Styn (vanstyn), Mike Weisenborn, Michael LaGrasta, Michael South (msouth), Brad Lhotsky, Adam Engle, Brent Laabs (labster), Nathan Dyck, Stevan Little (stevan), Deven Corzine (deven), Rob, Jed Cunningham, Doug Bell (preaction), Jon Gentle (atrodo), Karsten Schiela, Karsten Schiela, Russ Brewer (Russ), Lee Johnson, Walt Mankowski (waltman), Scott Duff (perlpilot), Todd Rinaldo (toddr), Brad Oaks (bradoaks), Gonzalo Diethelm (gonzo),