Not dead yet. (Also--if you're interested in the telecommuting sysadmin position I mentioned, email me at msouth at gmail.)
Attending talks
- Battling a legacy schema with DBIx::Class
- Introduction to Rex
- Beginner Track Lightning Talks Day 2
- Lightning Talks Day 3
- Basic OO in Perl 6
- Intro to JSON Schema with Go, and Generating Validators And Skeletons
- Introducing Prancer, a Web Framework for Perl 6
- Immutable and Continuous Deployments
- Perl's Worst Best Practices
- Hands-on RapidApp: from bootstrapping to dockerized deployment
- Modern Perl for the Unfrozen Paleolithic Perl Programmer
- Perl 6 and the Zen of Erlang
- Utiaji: Building an Application Specific Web Server in Perl6
- Test2 for test writers
- Don't Fear the Meta: Simple trait programming for fun and profit
- A Million Billion Squiggly Characters
- The best conventions other teams are using that you need to know
- big data on little linux: hard-won lessons managing dozens of servers processing petabytes of data
- Perl 6 - Why did they do *that*?
- Getting started with modern web development in Perl
- The Ongoing Disaster That Is Perl 5
- The Dark Art of Boatbuilding and Project Management
- Q&A With Larry Wall
- Closing remarks
- Perl 6 for beginners -- part 1 of 2
- From Regular Expressions to Javascript - Learn Perl6 Grammars