From Regular Expressions to Javascript - Learn Perl6 Grammars

From Regular Expressions to Javascript - Learn Perl6 Grammars

By DrForr
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016 14:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any

We'll start by demystifying Perl 6 regular expressions with some help from Perl5. From there we'll name the blocks that we've captured along the way, and refactor our regular expressions into Perl 6 rules and tokens. Those rules and tokens will combine to form a full Perl 6 grammar, and actions let us generate an abstract syntax tree directly from a bunch of little regular expressions.

Attended by: Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Ian O'Toole, Randal Schwartz (‎merlyn‎), Thomas Glase, Michael South (‎msouth‎), Greg Cole (‎wingfold‎), Rob, David Hand (‎Ptolemarch‎), Buddy Burden (‎barefootcoder‎),