The best conventions other teams are using that you need to know

The best conventions other teams are using that you need to know

By Steve Nolte (‎mcsnolte‎) from
Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2016 14:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: collaboration conventions git pbp team timtowtdi

Speaking the same language, whether human or computer, isn't enough. The TIMTOWTDI features that Perl provides are great until you have to pick up where another dev left off. Your team must share the same conventions in order to communicate efficiently. So what is everyone else doing? Come find out what other companies have decided to enforce to improve their collaboration. There will be examples of essential coding style guides and how to ensure they are followed. See some highly opinionated git best practices from both big and small shops. Improve your logging by using one API everywhere that ships to one location and includes invaluable context. And see some demos of team collaboration tools like Slack and Jira that build cohesion between devs, code, and bugs.

Attended by: Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎), Lee Johnson, Steven Nunnally, Jeff Till, Greg Brennan, Steve Nolte (‎mcsnolte‎), Robert Threet (‎RAT‎), Marcos Laborde, Brian Kelly, David H. Adler (‎dha‎), James E Keenan (‎kid51‎), gary, Aaron Staves (‎astaves‎), Beth Rhinelander, Matt Creenan, Michael LaGrasta, Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Victor Stevko, Michael South (‎msouth‎), Ross Steiner (‎rdsteiner‎), Adam Boyers, Thomas Glase, Cody Brown (‎cbrown‎), Greg Cole (‎wingfold‎), atoomic, Henry Van Styn (‎vanstyn‎), Leonard Harris, Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), Upasana Shukla, Douglas Schrag (‎dmaestro‎), Chip Salzenberg (‎Chip‎), Buddy Burden (‎barefootcoder‎), Rob N ★ (‎robn‎), Nathan Dyck, Jeremy Holland, Rob, John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Julian Brown, Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎), Michael Hamlin (‎myrrhlin‎), Scott Duff (‎perlpilot‎), Joelle Maslak, Kivanc Yazan, Chris Shelton, Bruce Gray (‎Util‎),